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Caroline Roberts

Caroline Roberts is a resident artist at BOX13 ArtSpace. The chance encounter of a sunny afternoon and a pack of sun print paper introduced Roberts to photograms. She was immediately drawn to use this direct contact between a light-sensitive surface and the world to sample nature – collecting ghostly reminders of its presence. Harking back to the era of Victorian gentlewoman scientists, her artistic practice draws the spirit of inquiry as she manipulates and disrupts her processes and materials. She draws on her scientific background to take complicated data and make it visible and, more importantly, tangible, combining science and art to allow the viewer to form their own hypotheses.

Born in the United Kingdom, she lives in Houston, Texas. Often found hiking in state and national parks, Roberts’ interest in landscape and the natural world is heightened by managing fifteen acres of riparian forest in rural Texas.

Artist Location

13826 Pinerock Ln 77079

13826 Pinerock Ln 77079 United States US Texas TX Houston
