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Benji's Art

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After completing my foundation year of my Bachelor of Fine Arts program at the St. Louis Community College, I was accepted to the San Francisco Art Institute’s Interdisciplinary BFA program. While there, I worked in the media of; drawing, photography, printmaking and painting. This multidisciplinary approach to artmaking was beneficial to my creativity as it opened my mind to many different ways of expressing my intentions. By my senior year I was making large scale mosaics made from small rectangular pieces of paper. I believe that artists never stop developing and experimenting and for this reason I do not believe I will ever settle on one way to express myself. Since graduating I have been consistently showing my drawings, paintings, monotype prints, and mosaics in juried group and solo shows. 

At this time I am mostly working as a printmaker and continuing to develop my drawing skills. I believe drawing is the foundation of the visual arts and I enjoy experimenting with a variety of drawing methods and tools. My subject matter is usually made up of various still life objects that I draw in a realistic but gestural manner that shows truth to life while reflecting the energy of the art making process. My printmaking work is based more on abstraction that loosely reflect still life objects or landscape scenes. The combination of opaque colors and shapes that do not have literal meaning create a sense of calm when the viewer is considering them.

<meta charset="utf-8" />Along with my artistic career I currently teach middle school art at a public school in the Houston area and have taught high school art at international schools in Kuwait and China.

Artist Location

419 W. Polk St. apt. 1 77019

419 W. Polk St. 77019 United States US Texas TX Houston
